Instatus - There is an issue with receiving automated incidents – 사건 세부 정보

모든 시스템이 정상입니다

There is an issue with receiving automated incidents

심각한 장애
시작 4년 이상 전지속됨 약 1시간


모니터링 통합

심각한 장애 ~에서 5:50 PM ~ 7:20 PM

  • 해결됨

    Mailgun has resolved the issue earlier. Apps should work as expected now!

  • 모니터링 중
    모니터링 중

    Mailgun has resolved the issue and monitoring the situation.

    Instatus automation is now working, but I'm waiting for Mailgun to close the issue, so that I can close it too!

  • 업데이트

    Mailgun has added the issue to their status page. Currently waiting for them to resolve the issue.

  • 확인됨

    There is an issue with receiving automated incidents using emails * I opened a ticket with Mailgun to resolve the issue, and waiting for their response.